In the Cycles of Time Grows Togetherness
Autumn 2019 - Summer 2021glazed and rake fired earthenware ceramics, various flowers and plants, inkjet prints, string, and other assorted materials.
“In the Cycles of Time Grows Togetherness” is an ephemeral sculptural intervention that takes place roughly in the middle of each season, always hosted by Volkspark Rehberge. The works are made based on intuitive feelings about the various seasons, reflecting upon what those particular seasons hold. The works are then staged scattered throughout the 78 hectare park. Guests are not given a map, but are verbally told roughly where each work is. This, of course, gives way for people to get slightly lost, which is intentional. People are walking through the park with a heightened awareness, because they are looking for specific things in unspecific areas. In turn, people begin to take notice of the subtleties of the park they’re inhabiting, and the changes that have taken place in both the environment and the works themselves.
Cycle I: Autumn
November 10th, 2019
November 10th, 2019

Rotating On an Axis or Still in a Bed of Flowers, In a State of Ponder
glazed and raku fired ceramics, found flowers, tree bark, string
glazed and raku fired ceramics, found flowers, tree bark, string

To Hold, To Caress (Comfort in the Bad Hour, in the Dark)
glazed ceramics, oak leaves, inkjet print
glazed ceramics, oak leaves, inkjet print

In the Pit
glazed and raku fired ceramics, plexi glass, string
glazed and raku fired ceramics, plexi glass, string

glazed ceramics, mugwort, found flower, string, inkjet print

A Frond for a Friend
glazed and raku fired ceramics, plaster, steel, string, found branch, fern leaf
glazed and raku fired ceramics, plaster, steel, string, found branch, fern leaf

Through the Looking Glass
glazed and raku fired ceramics, various plants, rocks, pine, mirror plexi, string
glazed and raku fired ceramics, various plants, rocks, pine, mirror plexi, string
Cycle II: Winter
February 9th, 2020
February 9th, 2020

(to All My Friends) A Moment to Share in the Warmth
glazed and raku fired ceramics, handmade charcoal, blackened wood, found wood, dried leaves, whiskey
glazed and raku fired ceramics, handmade charcoal, blackened wood, found wood, dried leaves, whiskey

Landscapes in the Mist
glazed and raku fired ceramics, found birch tree, plexiglas, found twig, string, tree branches
glazed and raku fired ceramics, found birch tree, plexiglas, found twig, string, tree branches

glazed and raku fired ceramics, inkjet prints, string, various plants and flowers, found tree branch, rocks
Cycle III: Spring
April 25th, 2021
April 25th, 2021

We are Water
glazed terracotta ceramics, water
Cycle IV: Summer
August 1st, 2021
For the last iteration of this project, I felt it was important to invite everyone who has been a part of this project to come and help install the works. Reusing pieces that were made in the previous Cycles, one large hanging installation was made. At the end of the day, all the works were then gifted to everyone who came out for the Summer Cycle.
August 1st, 2021
For the last iteration of this project, I felt it was important to invite everyone who has been a part of this project to come and help install the works. Reusing pieces that were made in the previous Cycles, one large hanging installation was made. At the end of the day, all the works were then gifted to everyone who came out for the Summer Cycle.

A Gift for all my Friends
glazed and raku fired ceramics, silkscreen print on plexi, various flowers and plants, string
glazed and raku fired ceramics, silkscreen print on plexi, various flowers and plants, string
June 18 - 20, 2021 Bilbao, Spain
Silkscreen printed photographs on canvas, in steel frames, installed over a 1.5 km trail in the Bolintxu Forest
–Sometimes– the proposal is an intervention event and is based on the work processes of artists who have some connection with a very specific location in a more intuitive or less intuitive way. In a place called Bolintxu we can find a natural landscape that has swallowed part of the industrial past of Bilbao's suburbs. The plan is to carry out site-specific interventions along the course of the stream that runs through the forest until it reaches the Bolintxu waterfall. They are destroying that environment to build a road; therefore, it may be a symbolic gesture, almost imperceptible in that reality, but it can add value to the place at the moment the experience is activated.